Predoctoral position available (FPI-2019) in Heterogeneous (photo)catalysis using Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs). Deadline 20th September

Predoctoral position available (FPI-2019) in Heterogeneous (photo)catalysis using Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for the production of Solar Fuels at the Chemistry Department of the Technical University of Valencia (Valencia, Spain). The student will be integrated in the research group of Prof. Hermenegildo García and co-supervised by Dr. Sergio Navalón.

Applications should be addressed to Sergio Navalón ( and Belén Ferrer ( in a single PDF including:

  1. a)  Motivation Letter
  2. b)  Curriculum vitae

If you have any question please contact to Sergio Navalón ( Tentative deadline 20th September 2019