Professors Roger Kornberg and Michael Levitt, winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, visited the ITQ facilities yesterday

On the occasion of los Premios Rei Jaume, professors Roger Kornberg and Michael Levitt, winners of the Nobel Prizes in Chemistry 2006 and 2013 respectively, visited the ITQ. The event began with a presentation of the institute by its director, Prof. Fernando Rey, and the two members of the center who won the Jaime I Award for New Technologies in previous years, Prof. Avelino Corma (2000) and Prof Hermenegildo García (2016). We also have the presence of Prof. Jaime Primo on behalf of Professor D. Eduardo Primo (Jaime I Award for New Technologies 2001). On behalf of the Universitat Politècnica de València, Prof José Capilla, Vicerrector de Investigación, Innovación y Transferencia, accompanied us in this event

“The idea, when the Institute started, was that we wanted to generate good fundamental research, but at the same time, we wanted to transfer whatever knowledge we could develop to the productive system. With the subject that we selected to start, we had to build a multidisciplinary team. We needed it. “Prof. Avelino Corma summarized the origin of the ITQ.

The presentation of the center was followed by a colloquium between the center’s scientific staff and the two Nobel Prize winners, where topics such as the future of computational chemistry or the analysis of biological structures were addressed by tomographic electron microscopy techniques. Finally, Professors Kornberg and Levitt made a visit to the center’s facilities, accompanied by professors Corma and Rey.