Avelino Corma, Doctor Honoris Causa by the Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse, France, June 25
Professor Avelino Corma, researcher at the ITQ, was conferred on June 25, Doctor Honoris Causa by the Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse, France.
On the occasion of this event, the Coordination Chemistry Laboratory of the CNRS and the Physics and Chemistry Laboratory of Nano-objets organized on June 24, a “Scientific Day on Catalysis” with the participation of Philippe KALCK, Bruno CHAUDRET, Piet van LEEUWEN (LPCNO Toulouse), Luis ORO (Zaragoza University), Carmen CLAVER (Universitat Roviri i Virgili, Tarragona), Hélène OLIVIER-BOURBIGOU (IFPEN), Hermenegildo GARCIA (ITQ Valencia) and Avelino CORMA (ITQ Valencia).