Oña Burgos, Pascual
Científico Titular
Email: pasoabur@itq.upv.es
I studied Chemistry at University of Almería (UAL, Spain), where I earned my PhD (December 2008), receiving the best qualification cum laude, under the supervision of Prof. Fernando López-Ortiz and Prof. Ignacio Fernández. Afterwards, I expanded my horizons through three postdoctoral research opportunities:
- a) Firstly, I began in the industry working at Deretil’s in the department of research and development (2009).
- b) Secondly, I worked for 2 years and 7 months in the research group of Prof. Frank Breher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, 2010-2012), where I was mainly supported by a fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
- c) Finally, I was at University California of Berkeley with Prof. Don Tilley (2012-2014), supported by an International Outgoing Fellowship of the 7th FP People Marie Curie Actions, following by a returning year with Prof. Fernández at the UAL (2014-2015).
Afterwards, I moved as a Ramón y Cajal researcher at Instituto de Tecnología Químico (ITQ) in Valencia (2015-2019). At the end of 2019 I became Professor at UAL and I was as an Associated Research at ITQ. From 2022 I am a Researcher at ITQ and an Associated Professor at UAL.
From Ramón y Cajal stage my research has been focused on small molecules activation (such as H2O, CO2 and CH4) with heterometallic complexes which are used as building blocks of well-defined materials in the heterogenization processes.