Jordá Moret, José Luis
Tenured Scientist (CSIC)
Jose Luis Jordá holds a PhD in Chemical Sciences and is a Tenured Scientist at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).
Jose Luis obtained a degree in Chemical Sciences from the Universitat de València in 1996, receiving the Extraordinary Degree Award, and a PhD in Chemistry from the Universitat Politècnica de València in 2001 with the thesis entitled “Síntesis, caracterización y actividad catalítica en reacciones de oxidación selectiva de olefinas de materiales mesoporosos ordenados Ti-MCM-41”, directed by Prof. Fernando Rey at the Instituto de Tecnología Química (ITQ, UPV-CSIC). After two postdoctoral stays at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) with Prof. Jordi Rius and at the Laboratory of Crystalography (ETH-Zurich, Switzerland) with Prof. Lynne McCusker, Jose Luis returned to ITQ with an I3P postdoctoral contract in 2004, a Juan de la Cierva contract in 2005, and a position of Tenured Scientist of the CSIC since 2006.
Jose Luis is co-author of 66 articles published in high impact scientific journals, that have received more than 4700 citations, with an index h = 34. The publication list includes three articles in Science, two in Nature Materials and one in Nature, three scientific book chapters, the coordination of the book “Materiales porosos y de alta superficie” (2014), several international patents, and the participation in numerous national and international congresses, including several invited conferences.
The main lines of research are zeolite crystallography and structural studies by X-ray, electron and/or synchrotron radiation.
Jose Luis collaborates since 2006 as lecturer in the course “Characterization of Solid Catalysts” of the Master in Sustainable Chemistry of the Universitat Politècnica de València, taught at ITQ, and since 2015 is the director the CSIC Specialization Course about “Applied Laboratory Techniques”.
Jose Luis is responsible for the X-ray diffraction equipments at ITQ since 2008, for the social networks of the institute since 2013, member of the ITQ Communication Area since 2013, of the ITQ Scientific Dissemination Commission since 2014 and of the ITQ Equality Commission since 2018.
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