Conferencia: “Synthesis of acid supported noble metal (Pt, Ir) bifunctional catalysts for the hydroisomerization, hydrocracking of long chain n-parrafins and hydrogenation of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons”

Este martes 8 de mayo, a las 12.30h, en el salón de actos del ITQ tendrá lugar la conferencia «Synthesis of acid supported noble metal (Pt, Ir) bifunctional catalysts for the hydroisomerization, hydrocracking of long chain n-parrafins and hydrogenation of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons» por la Prof. Dra. Pham Thanh Huyen.

La Assoc.Prof. Dr. Pham Thanh Huyen es Vice Dean of School of International Education (, Deputy Head of Department of Organic and Petrochemical Technology y Assistant Dean for Technology Transfer of the School of Chemical Engineering (Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam)

¡Os esperamos!