“Degradation Phenomena in Materials for High Temperature Gas Separation and Steam Electrolysis”

El próximo viernes 22 de Noviembre a las 11:00 horas en el salón de Actos del ITQ tendrá lugar la charla titulada “Degradation Phenomena in Materials for High Temperature Gas Separation and Steam Electrolysis”, impartida por el Prof. Michael Schroeder, de la RWTH Aachen University (Alemania).

Today, oxide functional materials are considered for various technical applications operating at elevated temperatures. Examples are high-temperature gas separation membranes, fuel cells, and solid oxide electrolyzers. In all of these applications, the functional materials are subjected to gradients that may be of chemical, electrical, or mechanical nature, or even combinations of these. While gradients are necessary as driving forces for the function of the device they also lead to unwanted side effects such as interdiffusion, reactions between material and gas phase, and morphological instability.
This paper considers two examples where material alterations lead to a degradation of the device performance during prolonged operation: a) An oyxgen separation membrane operated under conditions typically found in carbon capture and storage (CCS) processes, and b) an solid oxide electrolyzer for steam electrolysis.