Conferencia: «Volume Based Thermodynamics» Development & Overview

El próximo 28 de marzo de 2012 a las 16:00 hrs. el Instituto de Química-Física “Rocasolano”, CSIC presenta la conferencia «Volume Based Thermodynamics» Development & Overview, por el Profesor Emérito de Química de la Universidad de Warwick, H. Donald Brooke Jenkins

Salón de grados (E.T.S. Ingeniería del Diseño) Planta baja, Edificio 7B de la La Universitat Politècnica de València


Thermodynamic properties, such as standard entropy, among others, have been shown to correlate well with formula volume, V, thus permitting prediction of these properties on the basis of chemical formula and density alone, with no structural detail required. We have termed these procedures «volume-based thermodynamics» (VBT).

Professor H. Donald Brooke Jenkins will present a new 21st Century approach to thermodynamics which simplifies greatly the complexity. The talk will be given at a suitable level for undergraduates and graduate students alike.

Dr. H. Brooke Donald Jenkins

Got his Ph.D. from the University of Sussex and was a founder member of the University of Warwick both at the United Kingdom. Nowadays, he holds the post of Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at the University of Warwick and is Visiting Scientist to the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

Is an active researcher and has current collaborations with scientists at Perth, Maryland, Southern California, British Columbia, Freiburg, Rostock, Munich, and Madrid.

Is an acknowledged teacher for which he has won awards, most recently the McCamley Prize for Excellence in Teaching at Warwick.

Is a man of many interests having acted, for many years, as a consultant to the UKs leading company in fire protective coatings and clothes and with them he led their scientists to develop the leading technology in intumescent fire protective paints.

In the last years, Dr. Jenkins has developed, mainly in collaboration with Dr. Leslie Glasser of the University of Western Australia in Perth, a technique called «Volume-based thermodynamics», which is the subject of his talk today. For the interested people, he already published in 2005 a tutorial review in a leading journal named Chemical Society Reviews of this interesting technique whose aim is to facilitate the work (to non experts) of predicting certain thermodynamic properties of condensed phases with the only knowledge of the unit cell volume.