PhD studentship to work on computational-chemistry studies applied to the synthesis of zeolite microporous materials

PhD position available to work at Instituto de Tecnología Química UPV-CSIC (Valencia, Spain).

ITQ (Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica, Valencia, Spain) offers a PhD studentship to work on computational-chemistry studies applied to the synthesis of zeolite microporous materials.

The development of computacional chemistry is largely dependent on the availability of appropriate software tools for the different tasks. The present PhD grant aims to develop software to improve the reliability of models that describe the synthesis of zeolites. Zeolites are a big family of crystalline microporous inorganic solids of alumino-silicate chemical composition. The use of organic molecules is crucial for the synthesis of zeolites so that, by shape-selective occlusion, the organic molecule templates the zeolite micropore and, to a large extent, directs the final zeolite structure obtained.

Knowledge of Linux and Fortran will be the most important requirement for the candidates.
Knowledge of physical chemistry and computational chemistry, as well as any computational/informatic skills will also be valuable.

Candidates are expected to have skills on: communication/exchange of ideas in seminars, taking an active role within the wider research group, prepare publications and present work at international conferences.

The present PhD will be funded within the Severo Ochoa Award of Excellence.

Interested people please send cv to:

German Sastre (
Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica UPV-CSIC
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Avda. Los Naranjos s/n, 46022 Valencia (Spain)

Deadline for applications: 18th of October, 2017