TKS Tekno Scienztkslogoe Publisher was born in 1983 with the journal Chimica Oggi – Chemistry Today, as a publishing house specialised in fine chemistry, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology and has rapidly become one of the most reliable international publishers in its field.
Seven years later. the first issue of Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech, a journal dedicated to functional food and nutrition, started another history of success.
The offer was completed in 2003 by the spin-off of Chimica Oggi – Chemistry Today, H&PCToday – Household and Personal Care Today, which is specialized in personal care, cosmetics, detergency, and dermatology.

Today, TKS‘s publications are an authoritative and appreciated reference to the R&D world: University and industry are direct interlocutors of the publisher. Researchers, marketing and sales managers, companies’ CEO, know that they can always rely on a timely and qualified information in their competence areas. The fast improvements in communication technologies are a driving force towards new information media. An example of this is provided by the TKS website which has reached its present ability to offer a wide range of web communication services. Consultation, information and marketing services are available to end users in order to satisfy every kind of requirements. Researchers and specialists will find a precious source for an up-to-date information and marketing managers an efficacious support to their marketing activities.

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